:Base WC5LAST.HLP :Title Last Minute Changes to Wildcat! 5 1 Info on Minor update released June 7/96=Info_on_Minor_update_released_June_7_96 1 Info on minor update released July 24, 1996=IDH_UPDATE_Info_on_minor_update_released_July_24_1996 1 Info on minor update released August 14, 1996=IDH_UPDATE_Info_on_minor_update_released_August_14_1996 1 Info on update released August 27, 1996=Information_on_update_released_August_27_1996 1 Changes and corrections 2 Errata=IDH_WC5LAST_Errata 2 Last Minute News=IDH_Contents 2 What's on the CD?=IDH_What_s_on_the_CD 2 Changes to Client Install=IDH_Changes_to_Client_Install 2 Changes to wcConfig=IDH_Changes_to_wcConfig 2 Changes to wcFile=IDH_Changes_to_wcFile 2 Changes to wcMenu=IDH_Changes_to_wcMenu 2 Changes to wcQues=IDH_Changes_to_wcQues 2 Changes to wcServer=IDH_Changes_to_wcServer 2 Changes to wcSetup=IDH_Changes_to_wcSetup 2 Changes to wcStart=IDH_Changes_to_wcStart 2 Changes to wcView=IDH_Changes_to_wcView 2 General Notes=IDH_General_Notes